The impact of GDPR on recruitment processes

April 22, 2024

The impact of GDPR on recruitment processes

The General Data Protection Regulation  known as GDPR, has had a significant impact on how organizations process personal data since its introduction in May 2018. This European legislation aims to protect individuals' privacy and gives them more control over their personal information. In the recruitment world, the GDPR has led to a review of processes and procedures for collecting, storing and processing candidate data. This article explores the most important changes and challenges that the GDPR brings to recruitment processes.

Changes in candidates' consent

Under the GDPR, organizations must have explicit consent from candidates to process their personal data. This means that recruiters must now clearly communicate why they are collecting certain data and how it will be used. Consent can no longer be assumed; it must be an active, voluntary action on the part of the candidate. This has led to the need for clearer communication and transparency in the recruitment process.

Right to access and be forgotten

The GDPR gives individuals the right to know what personal data about them is being processed and for what purposes. This means that organizations must be able to provide insight into the collected data at the request of a candidate. In addition, candidates can request that their data be deleted, which is known as the “right to be forgotten.” This requires recruiters to have procedures in place to securely and timely delete data.

Data storage and security

The GDPR requires that personal data be stored and processed in a secure manner. This has meant that many organizations have had to review their IT systems and processes to meet stringent security requirements. Recruiters must ensure that candidate data is protected against unauthorized access and data breaches. This can be done, among other things, by encrypting data and regularly updating security protocols.

Implications for recruitment software

Many organizations use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and other recruitment software to manage the recruitment process. These systems must comply with the GDPR, which means that they must ensure adequate protection of personal data and support the management of permissions, the right to access and the right to be forgotten. Choosing the right software has therefore become crucial in ensuring GDPR compliance.

Challenges and Best Practices


  • Obtaining explicit consent may delay the recruitment process.
  • Keeping track of permissions and managing candidate data requires more administration.
  • Increased security measures may result in higher costs.

Best practices

  • Ensure clear communication and transparency regarding the processing of personal data.
  • Implement strong security measures to protect candidate data.
  • Invest in GDPR-compliant recruitment software that helps manage candidate data and permissions.
  • Train recruiters and HR staff on GDPR compliance and privacy protection.


The introduction of the GDPR has undeniably had a major impact on recruitment processes. While the regulation poses challenges, it also offers an opportunity to better protect candidates' privacy and build greater trust. By taking the right measures and investing in processes and systems that are GDPR compliant, organizations can not only comply with regulations, but also offer a more positive candidate experience.