
Introduction and scope

This is the privacy policy of Qompliant B.V. (Qompliant) and its directly affiliated organizations. We are a staffing agency that specializes in recruitment consultancy in the fields of finance, legal, risk and compliance.

This privacy policy applies to all persons who have contact with Qompliant, with the exception of its employees. This privacy policy applies to:

  • Candidates, customers, visitors, applicants, clients, contractors and other Qompliant relations; and
  • Visitors to the https://Qompliant.com/ website or a domain name associated with this domain name;

These individuals are hereinafter referred to jointly as “you” and “your”. The words “we” and “us” refer to Qompliant. A number of terms are explained in chapter 1. These terms are capitalized in the privacy policy.

At Qompliant, we take privacy protection very seriously. We believe it is important that the personal data of both our clients and candidates is handled responsibly. In this privacy policy, we explain how we handle your personal data. Of course, we comply with all legal rules, including the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG), and take the necessary care to adequately protect your personal data.

Please read this privacy policy carefully.

Table of Contents

1. Definitions

2. The personal data that relates to you and that we can process

3. Why do we process your personal data?

4. Grounds on which we process personal data

5. Sharing personal data with third parties

6. Sharing personal data outside the European Economic Area

7. Security

8. Your rights

9. Minors on the Qompliant website

10. Cookies and similar uses

11. Contact details

12. Retention periods

13. Changes and Applicable Law


Person concerned: The person to whom the personal data that is being processed relates.

Third parties: Natural or legal persons who are not involved or part of Qompliant, such as natural or legal persons with whom Qompliant shares personal data under an agreement. These third parties may be processors or co-processors.

Personal data: All information relating to an identified or identifiable person.

Processing: Everything that can be done with personal data, such as collection, recording, storage, modification, retrieval, use, distribution and destruction.

Responsible for processing: The party that processes the data of a data subject for a specific purpose. In this privacy policy, the person responsible for processing is Qompliant.

The personal data that relates to you and that we can process

Below, we explain what personal data Qompliant can process about you.

Information provided by you, such as:

  • Your contact details (name, address, place of residence, email address, phone number, and job title);
  • Your gender and date of birth;
  • Data after a phone conversation with you;
  • Information from an email from you;
  • Payment details;
  • Information from your resume/employment history data.

Information that we have received via our websites, newsletters and emails:

  • Information about the device you used to visit our website;
  • Your browsing behavior on the website, such as:
  • What data/web pages you viewed about us;
  • How you navigate through the website;
  • Whether you open a newsletter or email and which parts of it you click on;
  • The dates and times of your visit to our website;
  • The operating system that you use;
  • Your browser type and IP address;
  • The internet address of the website that is being clicked through;
  • The geolocation;
  • The data that you downloaded from the website.

Information that we have received from other sources, such as:

  • Public sources that are available and made public by you, such as on social media and business websites;
  • The Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce and the Land Registry.

Why do we process your personal data?

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To verify your identity;
  • To improve our services (and the security of those services), including by carrying out checks;
  • To inform you about news and developments at Qompliant and Qompliant's products and services;
  • To enable us to evaluate, study and develop our services;
  • To contact you for newsletters if you have signed up for them;
  • For internal quality purposes;
  • To administer, secure, modify and improve our websites;
  • For marketing/commercial purposes;
  • For recruitment and selection;
  • To comply with a legal obligation that is incumbent on Qompliant;
  • To be able to contact you and respond to the questions you have asked;
  • To process your request for information and to deal with complaints;
  • To prevent theft, abuse, destruction or other criminal behavior;
  • To be able to carry out satisfaction surveys.

On these grounds, we process personal data

In order to process personal data, we need a basis from the AVG.

We use the following grounds;

  • You have given explicit permission to Qompliant;
  • The use is necessary to perform or enter into an agreement with you;
  • The use is necessary to comply with a legal obligation;
  • In emergency situations: use is necessary to protect your or someone else's vital interests;

  • We have a legitimate interest in using it, unless your or a third party's interest in privacy outweighs.

Qompliant can rely on the following legitimate interests:

  • Protecting your safety;
  • Protecting the safety of customers and/or others, Qompliant's buildings and property;
  • For quality and training purposes;
  • Promoting IT management and improving security;
  • Analyze and improve the services and content of our websites;
  • Promoting the quality and safety of our services;
  • Communicating with you and other Qompliant relations;
  • To provide, improve, adapt, support, research and analyze our services;

  • Preventing and preventing fraud, unauthorized use, violations of our terms and policies, or other harmful or illegal activities.

Sharing personal information with third parties

We only share your personal information with third parties if this is necessary because they carry out work on behalf of Qompliant and only for the purposes described in this privacy policy. If a third party is engaged, Qompliant ensures that this party maintains the same level of security and confidentiality as that maintained by us.

Qompliant can engage contractors in the following categories:

  • Organizations for which Qompliant provides recruitment services;
  • IT Management
  • Website management;

  • Website hosting.

Qompliant remains responsible for processing your personal data. Qompliant concludes agreements with third parties to ensure that your personal data is properly secured.

Through a merger, acquisition or sale of (part of) the organization, Qompliant may share your personal data with a third party, such as a potential buyer or seller. Of course, we will inform you about this by e-mail and/or a clearly visible notice on our website and inform you about your rights in this situation.

Sharing personal data outside the European Economic Area

It may sometimes be necessary to transfer your personal data to third parties located outside the European Economic Area (EEA). In accordance with the GDPR, Qompliant will only transfer your personal data to countries outside the EEA if:

1. The European Commission has decided that the third country ensures an appropriate level of protection; or

2. Appropriate safeguards are provided and you have enforceable rights and remedies; or

3. The transfer is necessary for the execution of your agreement with Qompliant; or

4. You have expressly consented to the transfer after being informed of the risks associated with the transfer; or

5. The transfer is necessary for important reasons of public interest; or

6. The transfer is occasional and necessary for Qompliant's compelling interests and we have taken appropriate safeguards and has informed the Data Protection Authority about this.

In situations where Qompliant transfers your personal data outside the EEA, we take measures to ensure that your personal data remains properly protected.


At Qompliant, we take your privacy and the security of your personal information very seriously. Strict security measures are crucial, especially within the recruitment industry. That's why we're making it extra difficult for malicious parties to access our systems.

At Qompliant, we not only take privacy, but also security very seriously. Good security measures are crucial, especially within the recruitment industry. That's why at Qompliant, we try to make it as difficult as possible for malicious parties to access our systems. Among other things, we have taken the following measures:

  • Only persons who are authorized to do so have access to personal data, but as few people as possible have access to the personal data;
  • All Qompliant employees have signed a confidentiality obligation, under which they undertake to maintain complete confidentiality about all information (including personal data);
  • Electronic transmission of personal data always takes place via a secure connection;
  • The website is secured via HTTPS;
  • We ensure that your personal data is only shared with third parties if we have agreed appropriate security measures with these third parties.

Your rights

If your personal data is processed, you have a number of rights, which are set out below. You can exercise these rights by submitting your request to Qompliant in writing or by sending an email to: info@qompliant.com. Qompliant verifies your identity before fulfilling your request.

Qompliant will respond to your request as soon as possible, but no later than one month. Qompliant will not charge you for processing your aforementioned requests, unless your requests are excessive.

1. Access to personal data 
At any time, you can ask us to indicate which (categories of) your personal data Qompliant processes, for what purposes, what source the data comes from and what retention periods are used.

2. Change personal information
 In addition, you can contact us at any time to complete or correct your personal information. In the unlikely event that Qompliant has processed and/or provided incorrect personal data about you, Qompliant will correct this immediately. If Qompliant has changed your personal data, Qompliant will inform you.

3. Minimizing the processing of your personal data 
If you do not agree with the content of the personal data stored about you by Qompliant, you can submit a request to temporarily minimize the processing of your personal data.

4. Withdrawal of consent
 You can also withdraw the consent you have given to the processing of your personal data. After receiving your letter or email, Qompliant will immediately stop processing your personal data for which you have given your consent. However, withdrawing your consent does not affect the processing that has already taken place.

5. Right to transfer personal data (right to data portability) 
You can request the personal data stored about you by Qompliant in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. After receiving your personal data, you are free to transfer this information.

6. Right to be forgotten 
If you no longer wish to use Qompliant's services, you can submit a request to delete all your personal data.

7. Right to object
 You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, which Qompliant bases on the basis of a legitimate interest of Qompliant or a third party or “performance of a task in the public interest”. If Qompliant relies on these grounds, Qompliant will balance its interests against your privacy. The right to object gives you the right to require Qompliant to repeat this weighing of interests.

8. Right to file a complaint/appeal
 We are committed to working with you to find an equitable solution if you have a complaint or problem regarding our use of your personal information. Suppose, however, that we are unable to help you with your complaint or problem. In that case, you can also file a complaint with the Data Protection Board or file legal proceedings. The contact details of the Dutch Data Protection Authority can be found at here to click.

Minors on the Qompliant website
Although visitors of all ages can visit our website, we do not collect personal information from children under 16 without permission from a parent/guardian. This means that if you are 16 or younger, you may only use our website under the supervision of a parent/guardian.

Cookies and similar techniques

Qompliant uses cookies and similar techniques on its website. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on your computer. We use cookies to provide services and ensure that our services function properly. This allows Qompliant to see how website visitors use the website. This ensures that Qompliant can adapt the website based on a user's preferences. The next time you visit the Qompliant website, these small pieces will be recognized.

Contact details
Our contact details are

Compliant B.V.

Rokin 46-1

1012KV Amsterdam


+31 (0) 20 261 9182

Retention periods

Qompliant never stores personal data longer than necessary for the purpose of processing. Qompliant keeps your personal data for as long as we consider it necessary to provide services. Such as: enabling you to use our website and comply with applicable laws. We also use them to resolve disputes with parties and for other purposes that enable us to conduct our business. Qompliant stores your personal data at least for the period in which you have an agreement with Qompliant.

After termination of the customer agreement, we can store this information in our systems. For example, when a contract is linked to an agreement, invoice, or other official document. We keep data of (potential) candidates for three years. After this period, we ask the (potential) candidate for permission to keep their personal data for another three years. If potential candidates no longer want to be contacted by us, they can submit a request to remove their data from our systems.

If you have applied for one of our internal vacancies but are not invited to an interview, or if we unexpectedly can't figure it out, we will keep your data for another four weeks. After this period, we ask you for permission to keep the personal data for three years. We do this to be able to contact you again in the future, for example when new vacancies are available that match your profile.

Changes and Applicable Law

We may change the privacy policy in the future. This can happen when the law sets different requirements, we expand our services, or because we think we should say it differently. Any changes can be found on this page.

None of the provisions of this Privacy Policy are intended to create an obligation or agreement between you and Qompliant. The provisions of this privacy policy and all resulting disputes are governed by Dutch law.